NanoNova's Cyberspace

The ubiquitous uniqueness, yet another personal odyssey.

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    Java 9 到 21 的语言特性更新

    当 Java 8 引入流和 Lambda 这两个重大更新时,函数式编程风格赋予了 Java 更少模板代码的语法。自从 Java 切换到一个更快的发布节奏后,每六个月就会发布一个新版本。记录类可能是最近更新中最重要的一个特性,模式匹配和封闭类也会让处理纯数据更容易。

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    MacOS JDK path

    An overlook of the JDK path on MacOS.


    There're several symlinks targeted to system java lib directory from brew-installed JDK. And JEnv could help to mange and switch multiple JDK versions.

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    Windows dev setup

    Reluctantly or willingly, Windows as an OS has companied me over 2 decades (since Win95). After encountered other OSes as a developer, I still got the mixed feeling about Windows when lots of coders were complaining about its bloats and privacy. To be frank, the developer experience(DX) on Windows did not good as the *NIX-based systems.

    However M$ is committing to improve it, Windows 11 got much better experience in different ways (yes, it still sucks in certain ways). As a nerd, I do enjoy the variety of OS(using MacOS/Linux/Windows at the same time), though Windows plays a role of my daily developing and gaming activities. This post is just my personal experience of win dev setup. I hope to keep it minimal and helpful.

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    2021 ESLint StyleLint Pritter EditorConfig 整合 VSCode

    2021 前端开发,就连环境搭建也不比后端简单了,一堆 bundler/transpiler/linter/formatter/...(及其插件和 editor/IDE 整合),各种概念占据了开发者的内存,各种配置文件充斥了项目根文件。Maybe that's why frontend dev sucks is awesome.

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    JMH - Java 微基准测试套件

    说到基准测试,我们脑海中可能很快会想起 PC 上跑着鲁大师飙得风扇哄哄转,或者手机上跑着 GeekBench 烧得 CPU 烫手的场景。硬件有基准测试,软件也有;再具体到 Java 世界,就像你可以用 ab 、jmeter、loadrunner 来跑并发测试,你可以用 JMH 来跑微基准测试,同样也是一类性能测试。

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    当 Markdown 遇上 UML

    程序员喜欢简洁,所以 Markdown 作为轻量级、纯文本的格式化标记语言深受喜爱。在书写技术文档时,让程序员感受到「世界的美好」,将其从 Office 各种格式化问题的泥潭中解放出来,专注生产。

    写技术文档不免需要要结合 UML 配图,以让读者更方便直观的理解。那么,同理,有没有什么工具/语言能让程序员免于下盗版 Visio 的痛苦?或者 ProcessOn 对 UML 支持有限的痛苦?再或者 连接慢的痛苦?


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    法律同代码一样, 是一种由规则组成的体系,具有组织性、规律性、结构性等特征。若将现实社会视作同为人为系统的计算机系统,楼宇桥梁等基础设施好比 CPU、内存构建为该系统等硬件部分,那么保障系统正常运转相应的软件组成部分——法律,就可以视为代码。

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